Ah fall- the season of fashion, burning leaves, warm vanilla candles, and all of the other joyous things that makes it one of the best things. You can finally start wearing your new Abercrombie jeans and your Uggs. You can start wearing your sweaters, scarves, boots, cardigans, and so much more. Picture this: You in a black trench coat, wearing your favorite skinny jeans and high-heeled boots, while carrying your Vera Bradley bag and Starbucks coffee or frappicino. So I thought up of where to get those articles and here is the look that any fashionista who loves fall would wear.
THE LOOK: Just a typical day in the life of a fashionista.
"Belted Wool Coat with Thinsulate™
$109.50 $87.50 delias.com |
"a&f Jeggings" in dark wash.
$49.50 $30.00 abercrombiekids.com |
"Monique Boot" in "cinnamon".
$398.00 coach.com |
"Frannie" in "Ribbons"
$29.00 verabradley.com
10% of ribbons will go to Breast Cancer foundations. |
If you really want the look,
get the Starbucks limited editon for Fall,
Pumpkin Spice Frappucino.
Aviable w/ or without coffee in tall, grande, or venti. |